Project Ideas

The Projects that I'm planning on tackling and blogging about:

Extended functionality for the unittest package (a.k.a. "PyUnit") to suite some of my particular needs;
Some add-on capabilities and functionality to address some of the things that I'd like to be able to do... differently in Python;
An application framework (specifically with an eye towards being a LAMP application-stack, with Python as the P);
A Python/Fuse/MySQL (or other database) virtual filesystem, allowing filesystem items to be stored, tracked, etc., in a relational database back-end, while being accessible and modifiable through normal, native filesystem mechanisms;
A community website intended to connect students (children and/or their parents) with mentors (parents and/or teachers) in order to facilitate "learning over schooling" (to paraphrase an old Mark Twain quote...). The name may change without warning...
A framework for creation of mini web-apps, running off of a local, Python-based http server/service
A MiniAppServer variant that tracks and helps plan meals, menus and shopping-lists.
A program that generates API documentation for projects, leveraging the decorators in the DocMeta module.