Friday, July 15, 2011

This is my Brain on Python...

I love Python. I love it's structure and syntax, I love that the code is easily readable, and frequently understandable even to laymen, and I love the (relative) simplicity of the language. I love it's power and flexibility, and the fact that if there's something that the language doesn't do out-of-the-box, it's usually either easy to write code to make things work the way you want, or (sometimes) just exert some discipline to do things "the right way" for whatever value of "right" suits your needs.

I also love having time to work on personal projects, but there's precious little of that nowadays, despite the seemingly ever-growing list of ideas I have. Since I needed a way to capture those ideas (and, incidentally, share them out with anyone who might be interested), I decided to set up this blog to provide a space for me to randomly note thoughts wherever I might be, and work them out later.

More to follow...