Sunday, November 6, 2011

Coming back tomorrow...

It's been a busy few weeks (almost two months now, as I look back on it), and I know I've been something of a slacker in keeping up on posting on this blog. If you've been waiting for the next installment on anything posted to date, I apologize for keeping you waiting.

On the plus side, there's been a lot of learning going on. I had the opportunity to spend the best part of two weeks writing Python code that was intended for production deployment at work (which was quite surprising to me, since we're a Windows/.NET shop).

It presented some opportunities for me to dig in full-time for a while, and I had some interesting and enlightening thoughts that I'll share as much as I can. Come back tomorrow for more...

Oh! And before I forget - if you're looking for actual code-files to go with these posts,  I am sharing them through the Public folder of my Dropbox account. For any given module-file, you should be able to get to the current version at[].

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