Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The DataConnectors module (part 2)

The next two items tho work through are the IsQuery and IsResultSet nominal interfaces. With the sort of structure established with IsDataConnector in the last post, all that really need be done for either of these is to figure out what functionality (and properties) we're eventually going to want in the classes and objects derived from these interfaces - so it's design time again! This will fill out two more items in the class diagram.

Without going into too much detail about how the queries, results and connectors actually interact, the process for retrieving data with a query using the DataConnectors stack will look something like this:

  • A connector object (derived from BaseDataConnector, and in turn from IsDataConnector) will be created, pointing at some back-end database.
  • A query-object (derived from IsQuery) will be created with the SQL to be executed against the datasource, and the datasource itself. Whether the query-object actually executes the SQL when instatiated, or when the results are first requested is still to be determined, but it will have a Results property that will allow access to the results of the query against the database.
  • When the results are requested from the query-object, they will be returned as a list of dumb data-objcets, each having an attribute for each field in the rows returned for the result-set, named after the field-name, and containing the value retrieved. These attributes will be immutable.
This structure should allow a good balance between flexibility, ease of use, and ease of maintaining data-access code.


IsQuery (Nominal interface):

class IsQuery( object ):
    """Class doc-string."""

    # Class Attributes               #

    # Class Property-Getter Methods  #

    # Class Property-Setter Methods  #

    # Class Property-Deleter Methods #

    # Class Properties               #

    Datasource = property( None, None, None, 'Gets the data-source (an IsDataConnector instance) that the query was or will be executed against.' )
    Results = property( None, None, None, 'Gets the results returned by execution of the query against the object\'s Datasource.' )
    Sql = property( None, None, None, 'Gets the SQL that has been executed against the object\'s Datasource.' )

    # Object Constructor             #

    @DocumentArgument( 'argument', 'self', None, SelfDocumentationString )
    @DocumentArgument( 'argument', 'datasource', None, '(IsDataConncetor, required) The IsDataConnector instance that the query\'s SQL will be executed against.' )
    @DocumentArgument( 'argument', 'sql', None, '(String, required) The SQL that will be executed against the supplied datasource.' )
    def __init__( self, datasource, sql ):
        """Object constructor."""
        # Nominally abstract: Don't allow instantiation of the class
        if self.__class__ == IsQuery:
            raise NotImplementedError( 'IsQuery is (nominally) an interface, and is not intended to be instantiated.' )

    # Object Destructor              #

    # Class Methods                  #

__all__ += [ 'IsQuery' ]

There really isn't much to say about IsQuery: it's simple, it has only a few properties, and there aren't any method-stubs to it. In fact, the only significant change here is that the properties have been documented in the interface. We'll use this documentation-string later, when we define the Query class. The unit-tests are equally straightforward:

    class IsQueryDerived( IsQuery ):
        def __init__( self, datasource, sql ):
            IsQuery.__init__( self, datasource, sql )
    class testIsQuery( unittest.TestCase ):
        """Unit-tests the IsQuery class."""
        def setUp( self ):
        def tearDown( self ):
        def testDerived( self ):
            """Testing abstract nature of the IsQuery class."""
                testObject = IsQuery( None, None )
       'Instantiation of an IsQuery object should raise a NotImplementedError.' )
            except NotImplementedError:
            except Exception, error:
       'Instantiation of an IsQuery object should raise a NotImplementedError, but %s was raised instead:\n  %s.' % ( error.__class__.__name__, error ) )
            testObject = IsQueryDerived( None, None )
            self.assertTrue( isinstance( testObject, IsQuery ), 'Objects derived from IsQuery should be instances of IsQuery.' )

        def testPropertyCountAndTests( self ):
            """Testing the properties of the IsQuery class."""
            items = getMemberNames( IsQuery )[0]
            actual = len( items )
            expected = 3
            self.assertEquals( expected, actual, 'IsQuery is expected to have %d properties to test, but %d were dicovered by inspection.' % ( expected, actual ) )
            for item in items:
                self.assertTrue( HasTestFor( self, item ), 'There should be a test for the %s property (test%s), but none was identifiable.' % ( item, item ) )

        def testMethodCountAndTests( self ):
            """Testing the methods of the IsQuery class."""
            items = getMemberNames( IsQuery )[1]
            actual = len( items )
            expected = 0
            self.assertEquals( expected, actual, 'IsQuery is expected to have %d methods to test, but %d were dicovered by inspection.' % ( expected, actual ) )
            for item in items:
                self.assertTrue( HasTestFor( self, item ), 'There should be a test for the %s method (test%s), but none was identifiable.' % ( item, item ) )

        # Test properties

        def testDatasource( self ):
            """Tests the datasource property of the IsQuery interface."""
            testObject = IsQueryDerived( None, None )
                x = testObject.Datasource
       'IsQuery.Datasource should not be usable as a getter.' )
            except AttributeError:
            except Exception, error:
       'IsQuery.Datasource, used as a getter, should raise AttributeError, but %s was raised instead:\n  %s' % ( error.__class__.__name__, error ) )
                testObject.Datasource = None
       'IsQuery.Datasource should not be usable as a setter.' )
            except AttributeError:
            except Exception, error:
       'IsQuery.Datasource, used as a setter, should raise AttributeError, but %s was raised instead:\n  %s' % ( error.__class__.__name__, error ) )
                del testObject.Datasource
       'IsQuery.Datasource should not be usable as a deleter.' )
            except AttributeError:
            except Exception, error:
       'IsQuery.Datasource, used as a deleter, should raise AttributeError, but %s was raised instead:\n  %s' % ( error.__class__.__name__, error ) )

        def testResults( self ):
            """Tests the Results property of the IsQuery interface."""
            testObject = IsQueryDerived( None, None )
                x = testObject.Results
       'IsQuery.Results should not be usable as a getter.' )
            except AttributeError:
            except Exception, error:
       'IsQuery.Results, used as a getter, should raise AttributeError, but %s was raised instead:\n  %s' % ( error.__class__.__name__, error ) )
                testObject.Results = None
       'IsQuery.Results should not be usable as a setter.' )
            except AttributeError:
            except Exception, error:
       'IsQuery.Results, used as a setter, should raise AttributeError, but %s was raised instead:\n  %s' % ( error.__class__.__name__, error ) )
                del testObject.Results
       'IsQuery.Results should not be usable as a deleter.' )
            except AttributeError:
            except Exception, error:
       'IsQuery.Results, used as a deleter, should raise AttributeError, but %s was raised instead:\n  %s' % ( error.__class__.__name__, error ) )

        def testSql( self ):
            """Tests the Sql property of the IsQuery interface."""
            testObject = IsQueryDerived( None, None )
                x = testObject.Sql
       'IsQuery.Sql should not be usable as a getter.' )
            except AttributeError:
            except Exception, error:
       'IsQuery.Sql, used as a getter, should raise AttributeError, but %s was raised instead:\n  %s' % ( error.__class__.__name__, error ) )
                testObject.Sql = None
       'IsQuery.Sql should not be usable as a setter.' )
            except AttributeError:
            except Exception, error:
       'IsQuery.Sql, used as a setter, should raise AttributeError, but %s was raised instead:\n  %s' % ( error.__class__.__name__, error ) )
                del testObject.Sql
       'IsQuery.Sql should not be usable as a deleter.' )
            except AttributeError:
            except Exception, error:
       'IsQuery.Sql, used as a deleter, should raise AttributeError, but %s was raised instead:\n  %s' % ( error.__class__.__name__, error ) )

I didn't provide any commentary on the similarly-structure unit-tests in my last post, for IsDataConnector, so let me go over some of the new items that are common to it and to IsQuery alike:

The testDerived test-methods, in both cases, are really just intended to prove that the nominal interfaces behave as expected when directly instantiated and when implemented. Since there's not much in the way of "real" functionality associated with either, they shouldn't be instantiated (it would do no good to anyway, since instances would just be dumb objects with properties and methods that raise errors).
26-33, 35-42
The standard testPropertyCountAndTests and testMethodCountAndTests make sure that all properties and method have test-methods associated with them, like usual.
The testDatasource test-method makes certain that the interface's Datasource property exists, but is not implemented, raising an AttributeError when a get, set or delete operation is attempted against it.
71-94, 96-119
Test-methods, using the same structure as testDatasource, but for the Results and Sql properties of the interface.

Overall, pretty simple, I hope. The interface isn't very complex, so the tests against it shouldn't be too complex either.

The next nominal interface I'm going to delve into is IsResultSet. Before I do, though, I'd like to show the class diagram again, because when I drew it up, there was something that I did that cannot, I think, be done in languages that provide formal interface declarations. Take a moment and look at it again, if you would, paying close attention to the relationships associated with IsResultSet (upper right area):

The tricky bit here, at least as presented on the class diagram, is that IsResultSet, a nominal interface, is derived from TypedList, which is a concrete class. I'm not going to keep that structure (and I'll alter the class diagram accordingly), but this idea is, possibly, worth some discussion.

If that inheritance-relationship were kept, what we would end up with is a nominal interface that contained some actual, concrete implementation. If you're used to interfaces as they're handled in most of the languages that support formal interface declarations, this may set your eye to twitching. But, really, it might not be as bad as you'd think at first blush. In this particular case, since I'm not expecting to need more than one ResultSet class, it almost makes sense to leave the relationship - anything that implemented IsResultSet would then also be, inherently, a TypedList, which is exactly what is needed if we assume that any result-set object will be a list of rows with some additional properties.

Since that's what I'm aiming to accomplish, that doesn't actually feel too bad.

Yes, there are potential encapsulation implications, and it could certainly have implications in how unit-tests are written for IsResultSet and anything that derived from it, but even if it was discovered somewhere down the line that the TypedList/IsResultSet joint inheritance was causing problems, it'd be a simple matter of changing the inheritance there, removing some (now-superfluous) unit-tests for IsResultSet, and moving them to the derived class' unit-tests. That process might be a bit tedious, but it wouldn't be difficult (and I think it would actually be a quick change to make).

If I were 100% confident that there wouldn't be a need to have more than one ResultSet-like class in the stack, I think I'd leave the relationship and it's... odd... inheritance. But I'm not that sure that I won't want or need to have a custom implementation similar to ResultSet somewhere down the line, so I'll break it out.

So, the revised class-diagram looks like this:

Another (minor) advantage to this is that I don't have to stop and implement TypedList right here and now, though I think I'll take care of that soon, since I will need that to be in place before we get to implementation of ResultSet.

IsResultSet (Nominal interface):

class IsResultSet( object ):
    """Class doc-string."""

    # Class Attributes               #

    # Class Property-Getter Methods  #

    # Class Property-Setter Methods  #

    # Class Property-Deleter Methods #

    # Class Properties               #

    CurrentRow = property( None, None, None, 'Gets the current row of the result-set.' )
    FieldNames = property( None, None, None, 'Gets the names of the fields in each row of the results.' )
    RowCount = property( None, None, None, 'Gets the number of rows in the result-set.' )
    RowIndex = property( None, None, None, 'Gets the index of the current row of the result-set in an iteration.' )

    # Object Constructor             #

    @DocumentArgument( 'argument', 'self', None, SelfDocumentationString )
    def __init__( self ):
        """Object constructor."""
        # Nominally abstract: Don't allow instantiation of the class
        if self.__class__ == IsResultSet:
            raise NotImplementedError( 'IsResultSet is (nominally) an interface, and is not intended to be instantiated.' )

    # Object Destructor              #

    # Class Methods                  #

__all__ += [ 'IsResultSet' ]

The only items of note here are the property-definitions (lines 24-27), which are defined the same way the properties for IsQuery were, above.


    class IsResultSetDerived( IsResultSet ):
        def __init__( self ):
    class testIsResultSet( unittest.TestCase ):
        """Unit-tests the IsResultSet class."""
        def setUp( self ):
        def tearDown( self ):
        def testDerived( self ):
            """Testing abstract nature of the IsResultSet class."""
                testObject = IsResultSet()
       'Instantiation of an IsResultSet object should raise a NotImplementedError.' )
            except NotImplementedError:
            except Exception, error:
       'Instantiation of an IsResultSet object should raise a NotImplementedError, but %s was raised instead:\n  %s.' % ( error.__class__.__name__, error ) )
            testObject = IsResultSetDerived()
            self.assertTrue( isinstance( testObject, IsResultSet ), 'Objects derived from IsResultSet should be instances of IsResultSet.' )

        def testPropertyCountAndTests( self ):
            """Testing the properties of the IsResultSet class."""
            items = getMemberNames( IsResultSet )[0]
            actual = len( items )
            expected = 4
            self.assertEquals( expected, actual, 'IsResultSet is expected to have %d properties to test, but %d were dicovered by inspection.' % ( expected, actual ) )
            for item in items:
                self.assertTrue( HasTestFor( self, item ), 'There should be a test for the %s property (test%s), but none was identifiable.' % ( item, item ) )

        def testMethodCountAndTests( self ):
            """Testing the methods of the IsResultSet class."""
            items = getMemberNames( IsResultSet )[1]
            actual = len( items )
            expected = 0
            self.assertEquals( expected, actual, 'IsResultSet is expected to have %d methods to test, but %d were dicovered by inspection.' % ( expected, actual ) )
            for item in items:
                self.assertTrue( HasTestFor( self, item ), 'There should be a test for the %s method (test%s), but none was identifiable.' % ( item, item ) )

        # Test properties

        def testCurrentRow( self ):
            """Tests the CurrentRow property of the IsResultSet interface."""
            testObject = IsResultSetDerived()
                x = testObject.CurrentRow
       'IsResultSet.CurrentRow should not be usable as a getter.' )
            except AttributeError:
            except Exception, error:
       'IsResultSet.CurrentRow, used as a getter, should raise AttributeError, but %s was raised instead:\n  %s' % ( error.__class__.__name__, error ) )
                testObject.CurrentRow = None
       'IsResultSet.CurrentRow should not be usable as a setter.' )
            except AttributeError:
            except Exception, error:
       'IsResultSet.CurrentRow, used as a setter, should raise AttributeError, but %s was raised instead:\n  %s' % ( error.__class__.__name__, error ) )
                del testObject.CurrentRow
       'IsResultSet.CurrentRow should not be usable as a deleter.' )
            except AttributeError:
            except Exception, error:
       'IsResultSet.CurrentRow, used as a deleter, should raise AttributeError, but %s was raised instead:\n  %s' % ( error.__class__.__name__, error ) )

        def testFieldNames( self ):
            """Tests the FieldNames property of the IsResultSet interface."""
            testObject = IsResultSetDerived()
                x = testObject.FieldNames
       'IsResultSet.FieldNames should not be usable as a getter.' )
            except AttributeError:
            except Exception, error:
       'IsResultSet.FieldNames, used as a getter, should raise AttributeError, but %s was raised instead:\n  %s' % ( error.__class__.__name__, error ) )
                testObject.FieldNames = None
       'IsResultSet.FieldNames should not be usable as a setter.' )
            except AttributeError:
            except Exception, error:
       'IsResultSet.FieldNames, used as a setter, should raise AttributeError, but %s was raised instead:\n  %s' % ( error.__class__.__name__, error ) )
                del testObject.FieldNames
       'IsResultSet.FieldNames should not be usable as a deleter.' )
            except AttributeError:
            except Exception, error:
       'IsResultSet.FieldNames, used as a deleter, should raise AttributeError, but %s was raised instead:\n  %s' % ( error.__class__.__name__, error ) )

        def testRowCount( self ):
            """Tests the RowCount property of the IsResultSet interface."""
            testObject = IsResultSetDerived()
                x = testObject.RowCount
       'IsResultSet.RowCount should not be usable as a getter.' )
            except AttributeError:
            except Exception, error:
       'IsResultSet.RowCount, used as a getter, should raise AttributeError, but %s was raised instead:\n  %s' % ( error.__class__.__name__, error ) )
                testObject.RowCount = None
       'IsResultSet.RowCount should not be usable as a setter.' )
            except AttributeError:
            except Exception, error:
       'IsResultSet.RowCount, used as a setter, should raise AttributeError, but %s was raised instead:\n  %s' % ( error.__class__.__name__, error ) )
                del testObject.RowCount
       'IsResultSet.RowCount should not be usable as a deleter.' )
            except AttributeError:
            except Exception, error:
       'IsResultSet.RowCount, used as a deleter, should raise AttributeError, but %s was raised instead:\n  %s' % ( error.__class__.__name__, error ) )

        def testRowIndex( self ):
            """Tests the RowIndex property of the IsResultSet interface."""
            testObject = IsResultSetDerived()
                x = testObject.RowIndex
       'IsResultSet.RowIndex should not be usable as a getter.' )
            except AttributeError:
            except Exception, error:
       'IsResultSet.RowIndex, used as a getter, should raise AttributeError, but %s was raised instead:\n  %s' % ( error.__class__.__name__, error ) )
                testObject.RowIndex = None
       'IsResultSet.RowIndex should not be usable as a setter.' )
            except AttributeError:
            except Exception, error:
       'IsResultSet.RowIndex, used as a setter, should raise AttributeError, but %s was raised instead:\n  %s' % ( error.__class__.__name__, error ) )
                del testObject.RowIndex
       'IsResultSet.RowIndex should not be usable as a deleter.' )
            except AttributeError:
            except Exception, error:
       'IsResultSet.RowIndex, used as a deleter, should raise AttributeError, but %s was raised instead:\n  %s' % ( error.__class__.__name__, error ) )

These unit-tests are also essentially identical to the ones generated for IsQuery.

A side-note, however, on these unit-tests: Since I had stubbed out all of the interfaces, abstract classes and classes I knew of when I started writing the code and posts for the DataConnectors module, that included class- and unit-test stubs for ResultSet. As soon as the properties of IsResultSet were defined, the testPropertyCountAndTests test-method on ResultSet started failing - it now had properties that were visible through inspection, and no tests for those properties!

In order to allow the tests for the module to pass (for now), with an eye towards raising error once actual implementation in ResultSet was available, I added the following test-methods to the tests for ResultSet:

        # Test Properties

        def testCurrentRow( self ):
            """Unit-tests the CurrentRow property of the ResultSet class."""
            self.assertEquals( ResultSet.CurrentRow, IsResultSet.CurrentRow, 'Until CurrentRow is implemented in ResultSet, it should be inherited from IsResultSet.' )

        def testFieldNames( self ):
            """Unit-tests the FieldNames property of the ResultSet class."""
            self.assertEquals( ResultSet.FieldNames, IsResultSet.FieldNames, 'Until FieldNames is implemented in ResultSet, it should be inherited from IsResultSet.' )

        def testRowCount( self ):
            """Unit-tests the RowCount property of the ResultSet class."""
            self.assertEquals( ResultSet.RowCount, IsResultSet.RowCount, 'Until RowCount is implemented in ResultSet, it should be inherited from IsResultSet.' )

Since I know that there will be implementation in ResultSet, but it isn't there yet, I want these tests to pass until ResultSet has it's own implementation of those properties...

Basically, all I did here was to assert that the properties of the ResultSet class and IsResultSet interface were the same - so these will start breaking as soon as ResultSet has local implementation of those properties.

And I think that's enough for today. I'm not sure whether I'll go and implement TypedList next, or progress on to the nominal abstract classes of DataConnetors... I'll have to noodle on which makes the most sense.

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